Higher Health
Higher Health provides insight & guidance to help push you become a greater version of yourself - physically, mentally, & spiritually.
43 episodes
#43. Luke French & Ryan Robinson: Breathwork, Handling Change, & the Value of Physical Challenge
For the past 2 years Luke, Ryan and I have recorded a reflective end of year episode. So although I wasn’t active at all on the podcast front during 2024, it felt only right to bring out the mic & record another conversation with them both....
#42. 5 Free Tips for a Healthy & Fulfilling 2024
You don’t have to make a huuuge financial investment to lead a healthier & happier life.There’s actually a lot you can do for £0In this episode I outline 5 free daily habits that you can look to implement into your lifestyle...
#41. Reflections on 2023 with Luke French & Ryan Robinson
In this episode I sat down once again with my boys Luke & Ryan to reflect on another year of life!We delved into some of the challenges we've faced this year, important lessons we've learnt, & the things we're focusing on moving...
#40. Gary Waters: How to Transcend Limiting Beliefs & Create a Life of Freedom
In this episode I'm joined by Gary Waters - a mindset coach who aims to help you reveal the subconscious programs that are limiting your life and help you break free.During our conversation, Gary & I delve into a number of topics in...
#38. My Self Care Practices
In this episode I share some of the things that I do on a regular basis to ensure that I'm feeling at my best both physically & mentally!
#37. 3 Tips for a Healthier Diet (Without Counting Calories)
Do you struggle to build & maintain a healthy (yet non-restrictive) diet?This is one of the biggest challenges some of my clients face along their health & fitness journey.Whether you're wanting to lose some weight, buil...
#36. Top 12 Teachings of 2022
2022 was another powerful year of growth & discovery for me. During this episode I share the top 12 things that I learnt & talk a bit about each one. Here's the full list: 1. Be Compassionate...
#35. What Do You Want?
It’s pretty common for a lot of people to just be swept along by the tide of life. Very little - if any - time's taken to think about what you're actually moving towards.Or what your life would look like an id...
#34. Reflections on 2022 with Luke French & Ryan Robinson
In my latest episode I sat down with my boys Luke & Ryan to reflect on 2022. We touched upon some of the challenges we've faced this year, important lessons we've learnt, & the things we're focusing on moving into 2023.&nbs...
#33. The Power of Surrender
At the root of all suffering is the inability to accept life the way it is. When you place a subjective narrative around the way you think life 'should' be in order for you to be at peace, you're in fact creating parameters that le...
#32. Reconnect with Your Why
Are you in a bit of a motivational slump at the minute?I know the feeling. And I know that one of the best ways to overcome that feeling is to reconnect with your 'why'. The deep, underlying motivation behind t...
#31. Meet Yourself with Compassion
It's easy to feel like you just need to be more motivated or disciplined in order to get yourself doing the things you know you should be doing. But I actually think that the first step to creating positive change in your life is s...
#30. Work-In as Much as You Work-Out
A lot of us give a lot more of our energy to the external things in life than we do on our internal world. We think changing our external circumstances is an effective long-term strategy to changing how we feel internally. I thi...
#29. James Shireby: Military Mindset, Pain Psychology, Emotional Awareness, & the Significance of Values
James Shireby is a personal trainer at Halo Gym (Tunbridge Wells) as well as personal development mentor/coach to other fitness professionals. James holds a deep passion for helping others to improve their well-being in both a physical ...
#28. Who Are You Really?
A concept that I've been fascinated with over the last couple of years (& particularly over the last couple of weeks) is dis-identification with your ego (the idea of your self). Being overly wrapped up in ego or persona is, how I s...
#27. Take a Minute
It’s easy to begin each day & each week in reaction mode.To be immediately consumed by work, emails, social media, the news, life.But to always live in reaction mode is a problem.It means you never ...
#26. Rachel Cutler: How to Overcome Fear, Build Resilience, & Cope with Loss
Rachel Cutler is a psychological consultant with years of 1:1 counseling experience.She lectures & writes on mental health & sport is currently researching the correlation between physical activity and mental resilience i...
#25. 4 Fundamentals for Successful Fat Loss
Believe it or not, successful fat loss doesn’t require you to hit the gym 7 days a week.All the time I hear from people who have gone from one extreme to the other. They have moments of intense motivation where they:▫️ Hi...
#24. Life is Change.. Embrace it
Life is transient. As humans we go through cycles, just like the world around us.MotivationEnergy Mood
#23. Choose Your Regrets Wisely
Regret is a feeling we all want to minimise. But the reality is there's no way of completely eradicating it from your life. There will always be an opportunity cost associated with making one decision ...
#22. Luke French: Self-Exploration & Successful Dieting Tips
On this episode I was joined for a second time by my man Luke French. Luke holds many years of experience as a personal trainer and is also an educator to other coaches.During this episode, we touch upon:- His journey...
#21. My Journey So Far
During this episode I go through a brief history of myself & how my life unfolded to bring me to the point where I'm at today.I talk about some of the key challenges I've faced in recent years & lessons that I've learnt during t...