Higher Health
Higher Health provides insight & guidance to help push you become a greater version of yourself - physically, mentally, & spiritually.
Higher Health
#30. Work-In as Much as You Work-Out
A lot of us give a lot more of our energy to the external things in life than we do on our internal world.
We think changing our external circumstances is an effective long-term strategy to changing how we feel internally.
I think we've got it backwards.
Instead, we should aim to create change from the inside-out.
This involves looking inwards; asking yourself some important questions & reflecting on your emotional & behavioural patterns.
Because once you have greater awareness of where you're slipping up, it's a whole lot easier to create the change you're seeking.
Connect with Me:
Website: www.clpersonaltraining.com
Instagram | www.instagram.com/christianlawalpt
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Email | christian@clpersonaltraining.com